Step Back…

As leaders we can sometimes get pulled into the mess of convoluted issues inside our organizations, and with the sincere intention of helping, solving, or fixing, an issue we jumped in. But, when you are caught up deep in an issue within the organization it is tough to be an effective leader; and you are too important as a leadership resource to get too tangled up in specific issues.

When you step back, way back from thorny issues, you can see the big picture more clearly. When you are caught up in the messy threads of issues you may miss something important that the broad perspective can offer.

The next time, you feel like you are caught in a twisted issue or being pulled into the messy details of an issue by someone else, step back, way back, try to observe that issue as part of all the issues and challenges going on in your organization.

From this perspective, ask yourself: What am I seeing? What am I hearing? What else might be going on? What's needed now

As a coach and organizational outsider, I can often detect when a leader is too tangled in the minutiae of an issue based on what is being said, it's easier to observe this from outside the organization. By inviting my client to view their issue from a different perspective, a broader perspective, it can sometimes be easier for them to determine the best path forward.

