Feeling Like a Fraud?

Elaine Maxwell - Feeling Like a Fraud?

I remember as a leader feeling stuck in my own thoughts, spinning the same stories in my mind over and over; feeling doubt when I deserved to feel excited and enthused. As leaders we can feel uninspired and still produce excellent results and others often don't know what we are thinking and feeling because we become skilled at hiding it. But it takes a toll on us, it wears us down. I know it wore me down.

If you are feeling this, you are not alone, research indicates that about 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some points in their career, and high achieving professionals and academics are particularly susceptible. Due to the nature of the syndrome which includes feelings of not being good enough, not deserving of this role, feeling like a failure, feeling like a fraud, etc. leaders suffer in silence for fear of being found out.

What you are feeling is normal, many others are or have experienced it, I have experienced it and still do, and asking for help to clean up your mindset is worth it. You can change your thinking, beliefs and assumptions and develop tools to help you in future when you are feeling like an imposter as a leader.

Coaching will help you "tuned up" your mindset by examining your beliefs and assumptions about yourself and your leadership and finding new pathways towards empowering beliefs that strengthen and inspire you. From your new mindset you will experience new results for yourself and how you feel about yourself. It is a shift from feeling like a failure to being strong, confident, and resilient no matter what is going on around you.

Reach out to me today for a free consult where you can share your challenges and learn about my coaching approach.


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