Making Decisions

Many years ago I had to make a decision, a really big decision, do I stay in the corporate world or do I step away and launch my own business? There were lots of factors, some big (income) and some small (reputation), and many opinions about what I should do. What I learned through this process was each of the opinions came from the lens or beliefs of the person offering them, all their opinions/beliefs clouded my ability to see clearly what I really wanted. So I spun and spun for several months, analyzing, planning, asking for advice; and the more I did this, the faster I spun until eventually, it became just too stressful to not make a decision.

I found my way through this when I stopped asking others, and started thinking only about what I wanted. Working with my coach, I mapped out my vision for myself, gained clarity about how I wanted to impact the world and defined my purpose around serving others. From this place of clarity, I was able to make a decision that best served me and my family.

I remember vividly the day I made that decision, I was standing on our deck, staring at our yard; I stilled my mind and body, and in that moment of stillness I became clear that I was going to start my own business and exit corporate executive life. In that moment of decision I physically felt the weight of the world fall away from my shoulders, I felt relaxed and relieved for the first time in months, if not years. It was over, a decision was made, and my mind and body were telling me it was the right decision for me with such complete physical clarity I was a bit awestruck by the experience.

Everything after that was just stuff: telling others, planning the business, finding clients, starting school again. It all flowed from a place of complete conviction and confidence that my decision was right for me.

If you are feeling stuck or frustrated or lost in indecision whether it’s about your life, your leadership or your business, coaching can help you find clarity, gain confidence, make a choice and get unstuck. Reach out to me to set up a free consult to meet me and learn more about coaching.


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